Helping Kiwi households connect with professionals just like you
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Services available at KiwiDo
- Handyperson
- Building
- IT Help
- Carpet & furniture cleaning
- House Washing
- Car Cleaning
- Locksmith
- Roofing
- Tiling
- Plumbing
- Electrical
- Gardening
- Cleaning
- Painting
- Moving
- Concreting
- Brick & Block Laying
- Architect & Drafting
- Landscaping
- Interior Design
- Gib Fixing & Plastering
- Flooring
How does KiwiDo work?
Build a profile. Get leads. Quote jobs. Job done.
Grow your Business
Build your personalised business profile to secure new customers as we market KiwiDo and its providers to Kiwi households.
Matching you with leads
You specify what type of work you do and where you work and we will match you with great qualified job leads.
Pre-qualified Leads
We provide quality leads by helping customers clearly define the job and understand costs. Once you've reviewed a lead you can accept it, or just ignore and wait for the next one.
Fair shot of winning jobs
We aim to get three business to express interest in each job, so customers have a fair range of choice and you have a fair shot at winning the job.
Hassle-free payments
When it comes to getting paid, we’ve made it super easy to take card payments from your customers.
Where is KiwiDo?
So far, we have launched in Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington, Christchurch and Tauranga with more areas planned.
FREE Joining offer
Get a $15 credit on your account when you join KiwiDo as a business.
No contract – leave any time.